The Vissing Foundation supports three different purposes: near-patient research in disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment, mainly related to cancer and diabetes. In addition, the Foundation supports research in sustainable energy as well as projects and activities that support marginalised children and young people.
Medical research
Energy research
Marginalized children and young people
Energy research – development of local energy co-operations as part of the transition of the Danish energy system
The Vissing Foundation supports research in the healthcare sector within cancer and diabetes, projects within energy as well as children and young people in difficult conditions.
Human papillomavirus can cause cancer. Can HPV be measured in the blood and are its concentrations related to disease development?
Long-term follow-up on women with mucosal changes in the uterus to detect the risk of developing uterine cancer.
A study that investigates whether testosterone deficiency is related to metabolic syndrome and possibly to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Investigation of a new robotic surgical technique for the treatment of colon cancer.
Does the diagnosis of polyps in the colon improve by applying an Endocuff to the bowel endoscope.
Development of new blood tests that can reveal cancer type and extent in some cancer patients.
Does measuring Rhodopsin in the blood allow better and more accurate control of diabetes-caused retina diseases of the eye?
Gathering knowledge about mechanisms in the meeting between patient and healthcare system which can explain the social inequality in accessibility, use and benefits of healthcare in Danish society. Focus on diabetes.
Investigation of whether infrared light therapy can prevent the development of stiffness in blood vessels and thereby improve the utility of blood vessels for dialysis.
Comparison of two methods of stimulating liver growth that enable surgical resection of liver metastasis in colon cancer patients.
Is eye damage in premature babies similar to that caused by diabetes?
Detection of cancer cell trace elements in the blood. From research and development to use in patient care.
How does immature insulin become able to activate the immune system?
A prospective study of changes in the salivary glands caused by radiation therapy in patients with head and neck cancer.
Evaluation of whether stool and blood tests can predict the risk of bowel cancer.
Treatment of low blood sugar levels after gastric bypass surgery for obesity.
Development of cancer treatment based on a malaria protein.
The influence of tissue types on disease progression among HIV-2 infected patients in Guinea-Bissau.
The influence of diabetes medicine on the course of the disease after surgery for colon cancer.
One year research trip for medical students to The National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 20982, USA for training in molecular biological methods for analysing molecules in cells.
A study that assesses the constituent elements of sugar metabolism and its importance for the body’s overall insulin sensitivity in patients with psoriasis with regard to diabetes prevention for psoriasis patients.
Metabolic changes caused by the disease treatment in patients with prostate cancer.
Why diabetes is difficult to treat during puberty.