Children with type 1 diabetes – a course in mastering the disease in everyday life

When a child is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, the family undergoes a life crisis where past life experiences are often insufficient in terms of coping with this situation. In addition to practical challenges, many children experience psychological and social challenges that may also affect their well-being and development. The consequences of the burden of the disease may lead to a lack of self-care with long-term consequences for the individual.

”As the number of children with type 1 diabetes is increasing, and with an increased need for support during the transition, in which the child gradually has to assume responsibility of his or her own care, we offer a ’Diabetes Mastering’ course for children aged 10-13. The course will teach children to master their diabetes in everyday life through ’learning by doing’ and in a different setting than during a consultation at the diabetes ambulatory”, says Mia Sørensen Iken, Course Administrator for the Danish Diabetes Association.

In addition, the course will strengthen the child’s ability to network with other children in a similar situation and share experiences, as well as familiarise the child with co-operation with health professionals.