We have collected some of the most common questions that we receive here at the Vissing Foundation. If you have any other questions, please contact the Vissing Foundation.
The application deadlines are 28 February, 31 May, 31 August and 30 November. Applicants whom the Vissing Foundation supports will be contacted by email approx two months after the application deadline. If you do not hear anything within that period, your project has not received support.
Have you remembered to fill in all the obligatory fields? Otherwise, the application cannot be sent. In the great majority of cases this problem means that the application form is not filled in correctly.
The Foundation does not support salaries for PhD students, education fees, consultancy, courses, travel, evaluations etc.
If you have received a grant, you will receive an e-mail about two months after the application deadline.
Yes, but the Foundation never provides a grant for more than one year at a time. Applications for extended grants require that you provide a report of max 1 A4 page with information on project progress and results achieved since receiving the last grant from the Foundation.
No, there is no maximum amount.
Yes – an Excel spread sheet is fine as attached documentation.
Yes, the Foundation can decide to give grants for equipment. There is no fixed limit to the amount.
No, we do not make grants to other funds, but we are willing to support associations.
No. It is up to the individual applicant to assess whether the project in question falls within the objectives of the Foundation.
It is only for salaries for PhD appointments that support is not given.
The max. 5 pages are exclusive of attachments, reference list and the front cover.
You can see here what an application in the medical field should consist of:
Scope: The 5-page maximum means excluding attachments, reference lists and the front cover.
Yes – and the other documentation may be in English too.
Yes – a testimonial may be in English.
In an accompanying letter to the Foundation, an applicant should briefly give the reasons why he/she is applying for support for a project.
If we wish to support your project, you will hear from us within 45 days. You will not hear from us if it is rejected.
If your application was received by the Vissing Foundation, you will receive an auto reply, telling you that we have received your application. Otherwise, we have not received it.
Yes. If the project for which you are seeking support falls within the objectives of the Foundation, the project will be assessed.
That is up to the applicant. In the Foundation, we have associated specialists, and therefore, understanding will not be a problem.
If an applicant is awarded a grant, payment is made on the condition that the applicant has first written a short summary of the project, of maximum 200 words, for the Foundation.
This, on the other hand, must be understandable for non-professionals, so that it is suitable for publicity about the projects we support.
One A4 page is 3000 keystrokes