Sensory room for children and young people

The majority of the children and young people hospitalised at the Centre of Social Paediatrics have an increased “alertness” and a body “making noise” with many somatic symptoms. The symptoms entailed a high stress level. The children have often been physically and mentally assaulted and have been exposed to other forms of stress.

”We are extremely thankful and happy that the Vissing Foundation chose to grant us funds to establish a complete sensory room. The children and young people who are hospitalised need sensory stimuli, emotional down-regulation, quiet, safety and relaxation which supports our Bio-Psycho-Social approach. That is the specific reason for the wish to create a room where patients can go to find peace and quiet with themselves, in the community and in the surroundings at the hospital,” says Liselotte Wendelboe Larsen, Charge Nurse, Centre of Social Paediatrics.

The room will contribute to the combined course of treatment so that the staff can investigate and observe how the children and young people interact with each other, where they take refuge and interplay and relations with parents and professionals.