Development of local energy co-operations as part of the transition of the danish energy system

In order to restrain climate changes, Denmark is implementing massive changes to our energy system in order to use 100% renewable energy sources. Amongst other things, this requires integrated heating, electricity and transport supplies. Citizens, public institutions and companies must be included in this process order to ensure energy optimisation and fully utilise the possibilities of extending renewable energy facilities locally.

Therefore, the transition is not only a question of technology but indeed also of regulatory changes within the energy sector and its institutions and collective supplies, and of citizen involvement in this process.

”This project, which is supported by the Vissing Foundation, will support 3-5 participant groups who are establishing energy co-operations in an innovative manner within town quarters and villages. We do this by contributing information and competency development, and by developing a tool for analysis and support during decision-making processes based on a capacity and profile model for local energy systems and their interaction with collective supply systems”, project manager and researcher Ulrik Jørgensen from UJ Consult explains.

In connection with this project, information about participant backgrounds and involvement in the establishment of such new co-operations is collected. The results will be presented at Danish and international workshops and within a range of articles, and the information will be made available to those participants who are involved in establishing energy co-operations.