Holiday camp for vulnerable children and young people

Slaraffenlejren is one of Red Cross Youth’s 22 holiday camps for vulnerable children and young people. Slaraffenlejren takes place in week 29, and the goal is to give the children at the camp a positive push with a breathing space from a life that is sometimes difficult. We also want to allow them to be children with no other responsibility but to have fun.

There are a number of activities during the week. Anything from building zip wires, canoeing, beads, hairdressing salons and foam football. There is still plenty of time for relaxation and hanging out as this is also supposed to be the children’s holiday.
“With the funding from the Vissing Foundation, we have extended the weekly programme for vulnerable children and young people who join the Slaraffenlejren camp.

Then they can enjoy more rewarding experiences. The children are especially excited about our excursions that range from visiting local farms and swimming pools to exciting day trips to amusement parks,” says Cecilie Olsen, camp leader of Slaraffenlejren.