Help with children’s birthdays

“At Mødrehjælpen (help for mothers) we see every day how vulnerable families with children need a helping hand to join in the community on an equal footing with others. There is serious inequality in health, opportunities and enjoyment of life among the nation’s children. Many children who grow up in stressed and vulnerable families feel there are no resources for celebrating a birthday with friends,” explains Lone Rahn Heskjær, chairman of Mødrehjælpen in Skive.

She emphasises that feeling they are part of the community is crucial to all children’s well-being. That community must give them confidence and recognition, and a feeling of belonging.

The Vissing Foundation supports an initiative in the town of Skive with ‘the mobile birthday cake’, which enables vulnerable children to invite their friends from their school or pre-school to a birthday party. The help consists of a birthday package with what is needed for a festive birthday party, including a present for the child. A volunteer from the local association sees that the help is sent out to the families.

“The Vissing Foundation’s support means that here in Skive we can continue to enable vulnerable children to invite friends and have fun on their birthdays, and that there is a proper present for the child. Celebrating birthdays with friends is an important element in every child’s social life,” says Lone Rahn Heskjær.