Requirements for medical research

The Foundation provides funding for near-patient research in disease prevention, diagnostics and treatment, mainly related to cancer and diabetes. Near-patient research is research that might have an immediate impact on patient treatment such as instrument development/evaluation, diagnostic methods, treatment principles, processing and analysis of compiled data. Obtaining a grant requires that such a grant will make a significant difference to the project for which funding is applied.

Funding is not provided for salaries and related costs for PhD positions, basic research, travel, course and convention expenses, study visits, publications or overheads and administrative expenses. The grant is provided on the condition that it is administered by the institution’s finance office and subject to applicable public rules for such administration in force at that time. Costs for administering the grant must be covered by the institution at which research is conducted.

If an application is for funding of “operations”, such operating costs must be specified.

The recipient of a grant for research work is obliged to, upon receipt of the grant no later than 10 months from receiving the first payment and again once the research work has been concluded, provide a short progress report with information on work progress compared to the content of the forwarded application. The progress report must not exceed 1 A4 page (3,000 characters) and it must specify the results achieved and a publication list, if relevant.

If the applicant is granted money, payment is subject to the applicant writing a brief summary of the project purpose, max. 200 words, to the Foundation before payment. The text must be understandable to laymen. The text may be published by the Vissing Foundation on its website and in other media to show projects supported by the Vissing Foundation. We also ask the applicant to state a contact which the Foundation may contact for further information.

If a project has already obtained funding in previous years, but for no more than one year, and further funding is needed, a reapplication may be presented. The evaluation of such a reapplication is mainly based on the progress report and the report must be as concrete as possible. If the project is behind schedule, such a delay must be explained and a suggestion for solving this problem must be provided. The original project description, related to the first grant, must be attached (see guidelines for the application form).

If scientific work supported by the Vissing Foundation is published in a printed format, the Foundation must be informed about this through the contact form on the website. In addition, it must be stated within this public piece of work that the project was financially supported by the Foundation.