Support for the Fulton

Fulton of Marstal, a three-masted schooner built in 1915, comes into the shipyard at Hvide Sande every winter. That means a workshop is needed, with space to carry out the necessary maintenance. The work is done together with the Esbjerg Matroser (Esbjerg Seamen), young people in vulnerable situations, who are associated with the Fulton for extensive periods.

“We have received a grant from the Vissing Foundation, which will be spent on purchasing a workshop in Hvide Sande, and machines, tools and safety equipment. We will have really good facilities for the winter maintenance work together with the young people. It will make a big difference,” says Jakob Jensen, skipper at Fulton Fonden.

He continues: “The workshop means we will have an undisturbed space to concentrate on the practical work, while we can also set up large, meaningful projects with the Esbjerg Matroser, where they get a chance to practise and use their hands.”

On the Fulton they operate with on-the-job training with a partner, so the young people can learn to be part of a team and develop skills – personally and emotionally as well as professional skills. The aim is to strengthen the young people’s confidence in their own abilities through successful activities, so that in the longer term they will be motivated for jobs or training, and finally will be able to manage their own lives.